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Sunday 13 February 2011

Progressive Enhancement with GWT, part 2

This is the second part in a series, following my thoughts on using GWT in SEO'able web applications. The other parts in the series are part 1 and part 3.

Since my earlier post, I spent a little time (only a few hours really, so far) trying a few things out. Here's a smattering of things I learned...

Scanning for elements and binding widgets onto them is easy. Making those widgets behave just like widgets in any normal GWT app needs a little more work.

Who's the daddy?

One big problem to get around is that normally GWT widgets are attached via a hierarchy of other widgets (parents) leading back to the RootPanel, whereas when you bind onto some arbitrary element that is already on the page you don't get this hierarchy for free.

When widgets are added to a parent widget some magic happens to set up things like the eventing system. Without that magic you can add as much event-handling plumbing as you like, but it won't work because your widget isn't wired into the eventing system.

Actually getting around this is not all that difficult. Simply invoking onAttach() will wire up your widget, though its a little unpleasant to have to do that.

Another problem with the lack of hierarchy is, well, there's no hierarchy. Things that you would normally do in GWT widgets - like adding, removing or replacing child widgets - gets a little trickier. If you want to use the technique recursively (and why wouldn't you?), you need to allow widgets to bind to elements inside other widgets without causing them to be removed from and re-attached to the DOM, but crucially you still need to add them as 'logical' children of the parent widget, otherwise the parent knows nothing about the child widgets and can't do any of those "normal" operations with them.

To do that there are two problems to overcome:
  1. The parent needs to have the children added to it, so that the set of child widgets is known and available for manipulation (say by extending ComplexPanel and using the getChildren() method).
  2. Some of the child widgets might need hard, typed references in the parent widget to allow direct manipulation of the child widget - just like in a "normal" GWT widget you would keep a reference to the Button you added in the constructor in order that you can bind ClickHandler's to it or toggle its enabled-ness.
Point 1 is easily solved - any widget that wants to play this way needs to support adding other widgets without triggering an attachment to the current element. When you add a normal child widget to a normal  parent widget, the child is detached from its current parent - logically and physically - so that its html element is actually inserted into the DOM under the parent's element. This is not what we want when binding onto a template - we just want the logical attachment step, so we need to support an add method something like:

    public void logicalAdd(Widget aWidget) {

I've yet to try to solve point 2. So far I've built:
  • Tools to help with scanning for elements to bind to, and then binding the right widget.
  • Plumbing to allow recursively binding widgets with logical hierarchy intact (point 1 above).
  • An example that binds widgets recursively - an outer container, an inner container, and a bunch of widgets inside that are manipulated by the inner container.
I'll try to update the post with an example at some point. Meanwhile my next challenge is to solve point 2  such that widget developers can build their widgets in a fairly typical GWT way.

As an aside, I lay awake for a while last night pondering the ability to give designers a client-side templating system, where they can write the html for a component once (declaring it to be a template, which may include recursive binding points for GWT-activated widgets) and then re-use it elsewhere within their html by reference to the template. I'm sure this would be possible, though its utility might extend only to mock-ups.

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